Invis-A-Link Wireless Christian Fish Symbol ESI Certified Reseller VisaMasterCard On Hold Guy
PO Box 371 - Durand, MI 48429 - (989) 720-5465 - FAX (989) 720-5467

Got Wireless?


High-Speed Internet

High-speed Internet makes everything FASTER...A WHOLE LOT FASTER! Amazon, E-Bay, Mapquest, WebMD, E-Mail. NO MORE SLOW DOWNLOADS. Just blazing fast speed up to 10 Mbs. with secure Internet access and navigation.

Invisalink is growing to meet the demand for high-speed Internet by expanding our network throughout our service area. By using a number of advanced technologies, our service is now available for home or business use. This system works by connecting you to the Internet via a radio and antenna system.

THIS IS NOT SATELLITE. It is a ground-based system of towers transmitting the signal your computer receives. The only wiring required is used to connect your computer to the wireless radio. All equipment installed outside the residence and/or business is done on a lease basis.

Invisalink uses quality equipment by Motorola

How It Works

How Fast is It?

...How fast is it?

For more information on installation costs and conditions,
please click here


#1 Speedy Surfer - Only $44.95
Speedy Plan

Ready for speed that is a whole lot faster than dial up? We can do that!  Our Basic plan is many times  faster than dial-up!  Why is the Speedy Surfer so popular? Here's why: for a very reasonable monthly cost you get the perfect plan for everyday basic surfing needs. Shopping online, banking online, research or homework that  can be done a whole lot faster than dial up with this plan.


#2 - Super Speedy Surfer - Only $64.95
Super Speedy Plan

If more speed is what you desire, but keeping monthly cost in check is a priority, then our Super Speedy Surfer plan is probably what you need. This plan really shows its power when you're dealing with pictures, videos, sending and/or receiving large emails, playing challenging games, or just about anything you do online.


Super Speedy Surfer
#3 - Supreme Super Speedy Surfer - Only $89.95
Supremely Super Speedy

Ok, so you're very serious about speed and paying a little extra to travel the Internet at AN AMAZING VELOCITY is what you want...well, our Supreme Super Speedy Surfer plan is the only one for you. Seriously! Sufferin''s Supremely Super Speedy! This is our most powerful residential plan and will have you doing anything you want on the Internet...including high end the same speeds that business owners enjoy.



Invisalink Commercial Plans

Invisalink also offers Commercial Plans for small, medium, and large business needs. Our commercial plans start at only $69 per month! For more information concerning this service, please call our office at 989-720-5465 or 800-828-7196.

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About Invisalink!


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